This past week, we've learned..... OVER AND OVER AGAIN.... that there's forces which work against those preparing to carry out God's work.
Whether you know it as "the devil" or "darkness" or "the opposite of God", the name doesn't matter. What we're here to tell you, with complete certainty, is that IT IS REAL.
First, Jackie's passport arrived late. Last Saturday, Jackie found out that one of her friends she grew up with passed away in his sleep. Then, Tuesday at work, Jackie was informed that one of her kids passed away. Lastly, TODAY, with 2 days to go, more information became available about our itinerary for ministry... and SURPRISE!!!! We need malaria meds. While Ryan was at work, Jackie researched travel clinics which are open on Saturday. There's ONE. In Winter Haven.... over an hour away!
MORAL OF THE STORY: We encourage EVERYONE to go on a mission trip and prepare your heart to serve others... but be careful of what starts to happen when you make that decision.
2 DAYS!!!!