Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Here are some things we are doing to prepare:

1) We've sent in our first payment for the trip

2) Jackie needs to renew her passport

3) We're absorbing as much Spanish as possible :)

4) We will be buying our plane tickets on April 15th

We are very grateful to those who have supported us in prayer and financially.
Our friends and family are the BEST.

If you'd like to know more about the organization we'll be traveling to San Salvador with, please check out http:www.cfci.org


  1. bueno suerte! Estoy muy orgulloso de ti! por favor, usar www.wordreference.com si tiene problemas con la idioma de espanol! es muy bien. Que Dios te bendiga! :0)

  2. I'm very happy and proud of you Jackie and Ryan. Even though I didn't get to meet you(Ryan)when I was in Florida, I look forward to hearing what the Lord is going to do to and through you two on your adventure. I will continue to keep y'all in my prayers and trust the Lord uses you in a mighty way in El Salvador...
